
Don’t Be a Noisy Neighbor

October 6, 2020

Observe Quiet Time You and many of your neighbors may be spending more time at home these days.  That means...

Rent is Due!

October 2, 2020

Just a reminder, it’s time to pay rent. Rent at MRG apartment communities is due no later than the 5th...

Happy October Birthdays!

October 1, 2020

If you have an October birthday, you’re in good company. Sting, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Bill Gates and Kim Kardashian...

DIY: Upholster a Headboard

September 16, 2020

Spruce up your apartment with an upholstered headboard. Have you been eyeing some fabric headboards at your favorite shop, but...

Great Apartment Pets

September 13, 2020

Tips for Selecting Apartment Pets Pets can be great therapy but having a huge, rambunctious dog in an apartment is...

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day

September 4, 2020

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social...