
Rent is Due!

March 2, 2019

Just a reminder, it’s time to pay rent. Rent at MRG apartment communities is due no later than the 5th...

Happy March Birthdays!

March 1, 2019

If you were born in March, you share a birthday month with Justin Bieber, Albert Einstein, Lady Gaga, Steven Tyler,...

Happy Presidents’ Day!

February 18, 2019

The third Monday in February was once set aside to honor our first president, George Washington, but has since been...

Apartment Feng Shui

February 5, 2019

No matter the size of your apartment, you can make just a few small, inexpensive changes to improve its “feng...

Rent is Due!

February 2, 2019

Just a reminder, it’s time to pay rent. Rent at MRG apartment communities is due no later than the 5th...

Happy February Birthdays!

February 1, 2019

If you were born in February, you share a birthday month with Cristiano Ronaldo, Rihanna, Taylor Lautner, Bob Marley, Michael...