Where Are My keys? DIY Wall Key Holder

March 23, 2021

Constantly looking for your car keys or the key to your apartment?  Or maybe you need a place for spare keys.  This easy do-it-yourself project will allow you to put your keys where you can always find them.

Find your keys with ease!

Things you will need:

  • A frame
  • A screw driver with appropriate size screw (the box of screw hooks will tell you which size)
  • Screw hooks

What to do:

  • If you want, paint your frame.
  • Take your frame and plan out where you’d like your hooks to be placed.
  • Once decided, drill correct sized holes into the frame.
  • After holes are drilled, screw in each hook, and you’re ready to mount on wall and hang keys!

Hang your new wall key holder by your apartment front door.


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