Perfect Inexpensive Holiday Gifts

December 6, 2013

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A great gift can be inexpensive!

Need the perfect “happy” for your neighbor, co-worker, friend or party host? Here are two cute and inexpensive ideas that will make them smile!

For the women you know, make stove-top potpourri mix, something to give her home that wonderful holiday scent!  The smells of evergreen, cinnamon, orange and spice all mean the holidays are here. Package the mix in a holiday bag or large mason jar for the perfect gift.

Just include: one whole orange or just the orange peel, 1/2 cup cranberries, 1 Tbsp. whole cloves, 3 sticks of cinnamon or a small handful of small pieces of cinnamon, and a bit of grated nutmeg.
Instructions:  Quarter the orange.  Put all the ingredients into a saucepan on the stove.  Fill pan with water. Add water as it evaporates. Good for 2 weeks. Enjoy!

For the men on your list, make a 6-pack of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Root Beer! For each bottle of IBC root beer (or regular beer or any soda in a bottle), you will need ribbon, two googly eyes, and any size red pom-pom. Hot glue it all on for a gift sure to please those guys on your holiday list!

Ideas from Pinterest.

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